Output Characteristics of a Semiconductor Laser Diode with Double Ring Cavities and a Y-Junction Coupler
- 出版日期:2013-04-22
- 期刊等級:SCI
- 論文名稱(篇名):Output Characteristics of a Semiconductor Laser Diode with Double Ring Cavities and a Y-Junction Coupler
- 期刊名:Japanese Journal of Applied Physics
- 卷數:52 (2013) 04CG14
- 期數:2013
- 起頁:52
- 迄頁:52
- 總頁數:1
- 作者中文名:施明昌
- 作者英文名:Ming-Chang Shih
- 全部作者:Ming Chang Shih(施明昌), Yu Chin Sun(孫有慶), and Shin Wei Fan(方薪惟)
- 著作人數:3
- 作者型態:First Author
- 使用語言:英文