

"A new fuzzy clustering validity index with a median factor for centroid-based clustering" , IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems , 23 , 3 , pp701-718 ,2014, (SCI)

  • 出版日期:2014-05-07
  • 期刊等級:SCI
  • 論文名稱(篇名):A new fuzzy clustering validity index with a median factor for centroid-based clustering
  • 期刊名:IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems
  • 卷數:23
  • 期數:3
  • 起頁:708
  • 迄頁:718
  • 作者中文名:吳志宏
  • 作者英文名:Chih-Hung Wu
  • 全部作者:Chih-Hung Wu, Chen-Sen Ouyang, Li-Wen Chen(陳俐雯), and Li-Wei Lu(盧立偉)
  • 著作人數:4
  • 作者型態:First Author
  • 瀏覽數: